Dec 3, 2008


because once and a while, i drop the world drop. i let it hit my toes as it rolls around the room. i watch it bounce off walls and get stuck in hidden corners. but i always run to catch it when it starts going out the door. i sit, holding my feet, smiling down at my home. i watch them all just walk around, not knowing i am here. they go inside houses and come out not hours later, with hair all done and nails still wet, if only they knew how silly they looked. i watch them all hiding behind buildings and wearing colored wigs, i see them spilling drinks, words and themselves, onto streetcorners and allys. they pass out for days, but i know they'll get up sooner or later. then if not i pick them up, with the tippy tops of my fingers, and i drop the softly down to where i know they should be. it's true, im no longer "under the weather," but when your drool counts as rain, it doesnt really matter.

change of vocabulary.

I want to replace all my IF's with WHEN's. and all my THINK's with KNOW's.

Here's some examples.

yeah if i go to the mall, i want this shirt.
yeah, when i go to the mall, i want this shirt.

two extra letters; much more life.

i think i know what to do.
i know i know what to do.

i never really understood the difference between these two sentences, and trust me, i still don't...but because everyone else see's one, im sure i want to be on the side thats saying KNOW instead of the side that say's THINK.

anyways, please correct me when i dont follow this through. im a work in progress, and i KNOW you are too.