Jan 30, 2009

sucker love is heaven sent.

every you every me - placebo

this might just be the most twistedly correct song from any album i've ever heard. no, its not the truest. but it is the hardest truth that placebo has ever faced me with. it takes the statement "love is heavensent" and with one word, makes it something so different. i know sucker love. i lived sucker love. and i loved sucker love. eventually, i puckered up and my passion was spent. not only does that show the weakness love shows when just sucker love, but it also shows the full lack of love in it at all. the fact that any passion can be spent completely eliminates any chance that real true love exists there. "every me every you" <- that is screaming how common this is, how selfish it is, how distorted it is, and strangely, how much we desperately need this "sucker" love. i should stop getting every idea from itunes, but its okay for now. before a love song for no one, john mayer shows the most extreme contentment. yes, hes tired of being alone, but he knows it'll happen when it happens. that is love. this isnt a patient song. but its not a nonpatient outlook.

Sucker love is known to swing.
Prone to cling and waste these things.
Pucker up for heavens sake.
There's never been so much at stake.
I serve my head up on a plate.
It's only comfort, calling late.
Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.


Searching all my days just to find you
I'm not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Until then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one

honestly, i like the ladder alot better. but without the first one, the second one just doesnt mean as much, not as much passion, not as much clarity. cause maybe, your gonna be the one that saves me and after all..your my wonderwall.

1 comment:

Petrus said...

what??? this is amazing!