adjectives; used to show our opinion on someone or something. adjectives; they change day by day and are different in everyone's mind. there are two types of adjectives. one are factual adjectives, such as colors, numbers and shapes. but that's not where we have the problem. it's hidden beneath the words ugly, small and beautiful. we give things names (adjectives) depending on what we know. if you only knew your own way of life, than everyone elses would be weird to you, when to them it's completely normal. because the make-up of our minds are different, and because no 2 pairs of eyes can never coincide completely, we receive contradicting adjective to describe the same object. and then, and only then, is when the stupidest of all fights occur. Two pairs of eyes, two mouths, two minds and two lives.. both trying to make the other change their mind. instead of learning and exploring other peoples minds, we so quickly defend our statements any try to convince everyone that ORANGES are gross. too often we think that if we could just get everyone to believe that the adjectives i label on things are correct, than the world would see things through my eyes, thus being a better place..? not realizing that the people you pass by everyday, have the same thought going through their heads. they think that the opinions they have on places, objects and people are more factual. but what if everyone did buy into this, and what if everyone began to dislike apples and think the color yellow is awesome, just because the make-up of YOUR brain tells YOU so? what would happen? would we all agree? no. agreeing is when two SEPARATE lives find a common belief in something, thus agreeing on something. sometimes its something worked for. after long hours of listening and talking, a final AGREEMENT is made between the two minds. robots do not agree. they match, they coincide, they even have the same brain make-up, but they find no joy, no accomplishment, no reward when they agree, they just do. how beautiful? no. they're an empty box, made solely to accompany empty hearts. robots serve as a reminder to what we can never be, not just because we strive for years to become an "individual"..but because its just so impossible to shun out and shut up all the things we learned from years and years of life. weather it was a time well spent or a regretted life, we learned something. learned from our mistakes or learned what works in this world. adjectives; they've been in your head all along, spoken or thought... you remember don't you? that time, not so long ago.. you found out what adjectives people really say about the only thing you really know, about the only thing you've been trying to protect and define all your life...YOU. you try to ignore it, but you just cant. the very same words you use to describe everyone and everything you've ever seen, have just been put on you. hows it feel? no, these aren't just bad things said about you.. they're just THINGS. howie day has the idea. i've found im scared to know im always on your mind. this is a fear sprouted by what goes on in our own head. deep down are you just hoping that they dont have a mind like your own? you know that even if you ask what they're thinking, it wont be the whole truth. and you know this because you do the same thing, each and everyday. but dont be so shocked. yes, you do this everyday. he passes by and you think "cute." she messes up a word and you think"stupid." eventually, these will all come out on the table.. not always with the person they're directed to.. but to yourself. late at night, i promise you. treat others as you'd like to be treated? adjectiveate others as you'd like to be adjectiveated.
because adjectives add color to it all.
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