Oct 21, 2008


Yesterday i was asked two questions. What would you keep? what would you get rid of? ten items or less. I answered fairly quickly. i wanted to give more thought to these answers, so thats what i did. After narrowing it down i came up with 7 things i would keep over everything else in the world, 1. a dandelion, so that whenever the wind blows, more and more are planted. 2. people, so i can be with the ones i know, and always have the chance to meet more. 3. curiosity without explaination, so that our questions can be left unanswered and forever dreamed about. 4. animals, so i can have a goal, then be reminded of the victory every day. 5. guitars, to lead our voices and make beautiful music. 6. really awful days, so we will never forget how blessed we are to be happy. 7. contradicting minds, so that people will be constantly challenged of their beliefs and have to explain themselves without immidiately being understood.
The question of what i would get rid of was harder for me to come up with. i started to think of everything that hurts me or holds me back in life. but those arent the most important things i should be getting rid of. i came up with 5 things i would rid the world of. 1. houses, so that people weren't so out of touch with the world. 2. the necessity of food, so when people cant afford food, they dont have a pain, just a want. 3. loans, people should buy only what they can afford, not what they think they need. 4. the obedience to preconceived thoughts, so we wouldnt judge people before knowing the whole story. 5. the state of the fear of the dying/world ending, this fear shouldnt be a paralyzing fear, it should be a little reminder of why were alive.

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